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 Sun Cross 
 Sun Cross 
 Via Dolorosa 
 Via Dolorosa 
 Empty Tomb 
 Empty Tomb 
 It is Finished 
 It is Finished 
 King of the Jews 
 King of the Jews 
 He Is Risen 
 He Is Risen 
 Palm Branches 
 Palm Branches 
 Easter Sunday 
 Easter Sunday 
 Good Friday 
 Good Friday 
 Lead Me To the Cross 
 Lead Me To the Cross 
 Crown of Thorns 2 
 Crown of Thorns 2 
 Holy Communion 
 Holy Communion 
 The Great King 
 The Great King 
 Easter Peace 
 Easter Peace 
 He Has Risen 2 
 He Has Risen 2 
 True Story of Easter 
 True Story of Easter 
 River Cross 
 River Cross 
 Crown of Thorns 
 Crown of Thorns 
 Sins Forgiven 
 Sins Forgiven 
 Story of Easter 
 Story of Easter 
 Ezra Paint 
 Ezra Paint 
 Lion Beast of Daniel 
 Lion Beast of Daniel 
 Deceptive One 
 Deceptive One 
 Mother Daughter 
 Mother Daughter 
 Motherly Love 
 Motherly Love 
 Jonah Paint 
 Jonah Paint 
 Obadiah Paint 
 Obadiah Paint 
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